Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Latitude: 61.29 / Longitude: -146.20778

A panoramic view of the view from Valdez Glacier
It was like hiking on an ice cube.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

omg I love Sarah Sze

When I was a kid, I used to make miniature universes with random things lying around the house. The cosmos under the bed was perhaps the most secret and intricate. Once home from school, I would examine my still lives to see if they had been tampered with. If something had moved the slightest bit, I would throw a tantrum that would have the neighbors complaining. Clearly I had some issues as a young boy.

Sarah Sze
's artwork reminds me of these galaxies that I would create for batteries, stale candy, and GI Joe men. Looking at a Sarah Sze installation makes me feel like I'm entering the mind of an obsessive, creative person. Or, maybe just my own mind.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

RIP Rauchenberg

When I was in school, learning about all the iconoclasts of the 20th century, Robert Rauchenberg had a retrospective at the Guggenheim. I was working across the street then and must've found my way into the exhibition at least 5 or 6 times. As with my many creative people of my generation, Rauchenberg was a huge inspiration. He showed me that design could be art and art could be design. He also erased a DeKooning drawing (given to him by the artist himself) - that's just badass. But most inspiring was his view of the creative process and his interest in "the ability to conceive failure as progress".

Screen Capture, May 19, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Screen Capture, May 14, 2008

Um, the answer is no. Find out more about the famous doughnuts here.